Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Organization Of Financial And Commodity Markets Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3679 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? The financial market is a system that allows investors to buy and sell financial securities such as bonds, stocks, currencies, and different forms of derivatives. Also traded in this market are commodities such as diamonds, precious metals and agricultural products. Due to the rapid growth in cross border trade, capital flows and technological advancements over the years, these markets have had to evolve with changing times because most companies have become international institutions, hence they need international agreements. (.Clark et al 1993). These markets act as an intermediary for buyers and sellers. Its a place where potential lenders and borrowers come together. Since its inception, various events have forced the financial markets to evolve dramatically into the market we know it as today. There are different types of financial markets. These are; The Capital market- This market can be divided into two which are the debt market and the equity market. T hree main capital markets are the US, the UK and the Japanese market.. The Foreign exchange market which involves the trading of foreign currency for example the Eurocurrency market next the Derivative market- financial instruments such as options, futures, and forwards are sold in this kind of market. This is another category of the capital market. lastly, is the commodity market. This does not deal with trading financial instruments but rather it deals with the trade of commodities. This discuss explicitly examine the role of financial and commodity in worldwide investment, production and consumption, the opportunities and risk arising from the international context. An Equity market is a market in which shares are traded and issued. It could either be public or private. In an equity market which is also called the stock exchange market, stocks are listed and traded between individuals and organizations. Companies who are listed on the stock market take advantage of its benefit s because the stock market is a vital way in which companies can raise capital by selling shares. By buying a company share, the investor owns a percentage of the company depending in the volume of shares purchased and in return the company pays dividend. Just like the bond market, issuing of shares requires an issuer, syndicate bank and an underwriter in order to ensure a successful listing. According to Clark, there are three major equity markets in the world; they are the US, Japan and the UK. (Clark. E et al, 1993 pg 507). These markets carry out the same function however they differ in their set up. The Debt market is another type of financial market; however this market is not as big as that of the FOREX on the basis of daily trading. However the market capitalization of this market is the biggest with only the US bond market which is largest bond market with a market capitalization of $31.2trillion (SIFMA website). Bonds are widely regarded as risk-free securities however this only applies to government bonds. Bonds are debt instruments which are issued by governments or large company and they pay out a fixed cash flow during the life of the bond and at the end the principle is paid back bonds could either be short, medium or long-term. There are three types of international bonds. These are domestic, foreign and Eurobonds. Domestic bonds according to its name are bonds issued by a domestic company into the domestic market in the domestic currency. Foreign bonds share the same characteristics as the domestic bonds; the only difference is that they are issued by foreign companies. Foreign bonds in the US market are known as Yankee Bonds whilst the ones in the Japanese market are called Samurai bonds. Finally, Eurobonds are bonds that are issued in countries other than the country in which the bond is denominated. Bonds can be issued by any government or large company; however the main bond markets are the U.S, U.K and Japanese markets. A foreign ex change market (FOREX) according to Ephraim Clark is a market where an exchange of a demand deposit denominated in one currency for another demand deposit denominated in another currency takes place. (Clark. E et al, 1993, pg142). The foreign exchange market evolved dramatically in d 1970s due to the fall of the Bretton woods system and soon became the largest single most liquid financial market in d world with a daily turnover of $3.98 trillion, in April 2010, which represented a 20% from 2007. (BIS, Sept 2007). However participation in the foreign exchange market has increased tremendously and this is due to fund managers and investors. Investors has moved into the foreign exchange market and use it as hedge funds and pension funds with the most traded currencies being the US dollar, the pound sterling, the Japanese yen and the Euro. According to Maurice.D Levi, The foreign exchange market is the most active market in the world, with the U.K accounting for 36.7% of the market follo wed by U.S and then Japan (Maurice,1996:31) Although the foreign exchange market involves the exchange of currencies, however, buyers and sellers dont physically bring currencies to be exchanged Currencies are traded through the interbank market. This is an informal arrangement of large banks and foreign exchange brokers and this is done via SWIFT that links everyone together. Participating in a foreign market is open to anyone; however there are just a few players who are actively involved in the forex market. These include Commercial banks, Central banks, Multinational Corporation (MNC), Fund managers and hedge fund speculators. However central banks are present to control the money supply and to some extent control the exchange rate. Derivative refers to a broad classification of financial instrument which normally include options and futures. This instrument derive their value from the price and other related variables of the underlying asset (Vashishtha, 2010:16) Derivati ve can get its meaning from deriving something from something else like the you derive petrol from crude oil thus the price of petrol depends on the price of crude oil. A Derivative is a contract between a buyer and a seller entered today regarding a transaction to be completed at a future point in time (Deutsche borse Group: White paper:6) Section 2(ac) of Securities Contract Regulation (SCRA) 1956 defines a derivative as (a)a security derived from a debt instrument, share, loan, whether secured and unsecured, risk instrument or contract for differences or any other form of securities. (b)a contract which derives its value from the prices, or index of prices or underlying securities. Derivatives is done on commodity, precious metal like gold and silver, foreign exchange rate like currencies, bonds of different types, different range of maturities also on shares. Participant in the derivative market are Hedgers who use derive market to reduce and eliminate risk ass ociated with price of an asset, arbitrageurs who take advantage of discrepancy between prices of more or less the same asset or competing asset in different market and speculators. Instrument Traded on Derivative Market are Option, Futures and Swaps. An Option is a contract that gives its owner the right for a given period of time to buy or sell a given amount of an underlying asset at a fixed price, called the exercise or the strike price.(Clark,2002:181).An option is a contract that conveys the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a financial instrument.(Walmsley,(1996):194.We have options on foreign exchange and interest rate ,Options on currencies and debt instrument. Options are the standardized financial contracts that allow the buyer (holder) of the option, not an obligation to buy (call options) or sell (put options) a specified asset at a set price on or before a specified date through exchanges. Options are of two types: Call options and Put options. A call option gives the owner the right, not the obligation, to buy the underlying financial asset or commodity. A put option gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying financial asset or commodity. Future is a contract to deliver, or take delivery of, a financial instrument at a future date (Walmsey,1996:163).Futures contract are traded on exchanges that work as a buyer or seller for the counterparty..Future is a standardized derivative contract for the delivery or receipt of a specific amount of an underlying, at a set price, on a certain date in the future. Futures are traded on derivative markets (Deutsche borse Group: White paper:6 )Futures can be traded in currency, share/stock, bonds, commodities stock indexes,. Individuals, companies, and even market making commercial banks can trade on the floor of the futures exchange. A Swap may be defined as barter or exchange a swap is an agreement between two or more parties to exchange stream of cash flow s over a period of time in the future. (Vashishtha, 2010:20)Swap can also be to alternate or give something in exchange.]The different party that agrees to swap are known as counter parties. The two most commonly used swaps are interest rate swaps and currency swap. Swaps are most desired to those who are investing or borrowing in foreign currency. More importantly Swaps are most popular with banks because of the risk involved in future contracts. COMMODITY MARKETS: Commodities are physical goods like raw materials and they are measurable in size, Commodity markets is a place where this raw materials and good can be exchanged. These raw commodities are bought and sold at exchanges or over the counter markets. Commodity markets can be divided into: Markets for energy, Metals and Minerals, Agricultural commodities, and other miscellaneous commodities(Clark,2002:514)Data as regard commodities can be gotten from data vendors like Bloomberg ,Reuters, to mention a few and also from commodity exchanges websites for example, Some of the most important exchanges are Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, NYMEX/COMEX, London International Financial Futures Exchange, London Metal Exchange and the international Petroleum Exchange. The major market participants for commodity market are producers, the industrial end consumers and the trading companies that bring buyers and sellers together. Also, they exists financial companies such as banks, brokers and insurers and distribution/transportation service providers that balance the effort of the players. ORGANISATIONS REGULATING INTERNATIONAL THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM The international economic and financial environment we have today can be described as been comprised of a number of sovereign nation states with distinct internal organisation structures competing against one another according to a set of guidelines determined by multilateral negotiation and monitored by the moral authority of the international organization created for that purpose (Clark, 2002). The international monetary system is the structure inside which countries borrow, lend, buy, sell and make payment across political frontiers (Clark,2002:93)the whole financial system plays a very important and a crucial role in the well functioning of the economic stability of the world. Several bodies have been created to facilitate international trade which includes International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, World Trade Organisation (WHO), European Community now European Union (EU), General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The International Monetary Fund is the Multilateral Organisation charged with encouraging global financial stability .As such conducts surveillance, lends to countries with balance of payment difficulties, to provide temporary financial support policies aimed at correcting the underlying problems and provides technical assistance and training.(IMF PROFILE) . The IMF was given the authority to collect and distribute reserves in order to promote international monetary cooperation, smooth the process of growth of trade, promote exchange rate stability, establish a system of multilateral payment and create a reserve base.(Clark,2002) The World Bank formally known as (International bank for Reconstruction and Development) is an institution whose objective is the promotion, worldwide, of sustainable economic investment and poverty reduction it pursues this objective through lending, through the production of research and economic analysis and through provision of policies advice and giving technical assistance. The World trade organization (WTO) its an organization for liberalizing trade. Its a forum for governments to negotiate trade agreements among themselves member government go to the WTO to sort out any trade problems they have with one another. It helps trade flow as freely as possible to remove any obstacle as to do with trad e among member government Another key player is the European Union (EU) formally known as European Community (EC) this has become a major economic and financial force. The European Union is primarily concerned with managing the European marketplace by eliminating barriers trade and facilitating movement across borders The EU ranks among the United States and Japan as a giant of world trade. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was first signed in 1947. This is an agreement that was designed to provide an international forum that encouraged free trade between member states by regulating and reducing tariffs on traded goods and by providing a common mechanism for resolving trade disputes, among member countries. All the above institutions regulate the international financial system, and also facilitates relationships across borders. ROLES OF FINANCIAL AND COMMODITY MARKETS IN WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT, PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION. The international financial syst em comprises financial markets, products and institutions financial markets play a critical role in worldwide investment, production and consumption starting from Mobilization of funds, Allocation of funds, Hedging and reducing risk, Facilitate cross border transactions, Improve foreign direct investment, Fostering of entrepreneurial activity, Diversification of risk, Facilitate exchange of goods and services. First, Financial market play important role in mobilization of funds it mobilize the fund globally which is to generate funds from different suitable sources that assures cost effectiveness and time efficiency. To mobilize is to arrange or gather funds together this can be done in the financial market by using financial instruments such as equity, debt, foreign exchange and derivative, it is the role of the financial market to ensure that these funds are effectively mobilized. Second, it has a role on effective allocation of funds; it looks for funds and transfer funds f rom those who have excess to those who need funds. And also to ensure funds are used in the way promised by the borrower. Financial market should be able to allocate funds in most profitable sectors that will offer the highest possible returns. Therefore it helps in worldwide investment. Third, Financial system should be able to move risky long term, illiquid claims on borrowers into safer, short term that savers prefer. When savings are allocated more efficiently the national income in the country is increased and therefore makes the economy productive. Forth, Efficient and reliable financial markets will more willingly attract domestic and foreign investments which, in turn, will contribute to the Governments broader policy objectives of increased employment and sustainable economic growth. Fifth, Financial markets facilitate cross border transactions, for example one can invest and own securities in another economy. This helps in international diversification and thus re ducing country specific risk. Foreign investment accelerates the productivity of host countries and promotes economic development. Higher levels of investment lead to positive spillovers growing the returns to and incentives for higher levels of investment Also, Financial markets fosters entrepreneurial activity by because without financial market households will be self financing and maybe just allocate the funds anyhow but financial market look at (1) how much you earn (2) how much to consume (3) how much to save and allocate to fund thus, the individual aspiring to be entrepreneur can borrow from the market and because of the ability to borrow and lend it help the individual to be productive and this hereby helps in production and smooth consumption levels. Financial and commodity market allows capital flows between countries, and this enhances the overall investment of a country. Financial market encourages people to save; lack of financial market makes it difficult for people to save, and this therefore will result in low savings rate which reduces the overall levels of investment and this will slow the economy down. Low savings makes it difficult for entrepreneurs in the economy to borrow and thus will not be productive. The increase of technological marketing experience and other ideas across national borders has also contributed to a more productive economy. Commodity markets has been an alternative to investing in stocks and bond this is because it has created a channel for diversification therefore have played a key role as an alternative asset class for investors. Commodities also move up when stocks go down. Their roles in economic development include the following. One of the roles of commodity market is to set prices of goods and services this can also be a fair price determination role, all the available information in the market must be used to determine a suitable price in the market between the buyer and sellers of the commo dity .They must ensure that they is no price mismatch in order to make the market efficient. The commodity market offers unique performance opportunities for investors in physical commodities giving investors the opportunity to hedge, especially during the time of inflation an investor can buy today to sell later; this thereby helps worldwide investment because cash benefit is produced in the period of unexpected inflation. It offers a means for trading linking producers and users, and between different products in the market, and thus enhances worldwide investment, production and consumption. This is because the international framework for commodity market has expanded .If an economy for example Chicago Board of Trade can sell soybeans to Kansas City Market which in turn can sell wheat, and this will have a good effect on their balance of payment. Additionally, it reduces price volatility and risk Volatility is The relative rate at which the price of a security moves up an d down when demand weakens price go down and when they is shortage of some products in the market prices go up and therefore the producers will produce more in this period, This is like swing and this constant re-balancing helps avoid boom and bust cycles. These therefore enhance production. In addition, it reduces risk as farmers, producers, to, and allows market participants to better plan their production yield, consumption and capital spending budgets. In conclusion it reduce the search, information and transaction cost this mean that even though you are your country you can trade another country commodity without having to go that country the financial commodity market bridges the gap between this countries. THE OPPORTUNITIES ARISING FROM INTERNATIONAL TRADE They are enormous opportunities that arise from international trade this includes opportunities for profit, growth, and career advancement and especially now that they is rapid expansion of worldwide financial mark et. The opportunities include. They are opportunities for rapid growth and development because as the economy trades it has a significant effect on the GDP which is a major indicator of growth. Opportunities for arbitrage also exist because investors can take opportunities to buy low in a different market and sell high in a different market hereby making a risk free profit It gives opportunities for emerging markets like India,Argentina,Mexican,Russian and Brazil to also trade with developed market, this is also helping to develop this emerging markets gradually to make them developed. It gives investor the opportunity to choose among a wide range of choices of investments, different markets and different products this is an opportunity for diversification. It gives opportunity for comparative advantage, an economy can increase it balance of trade by specializing in the good that it has comparative advantage and trading the good for the other. This hereby allows both countries to become richer. It gives opportunities for idle or low wage labour markets to migrate to countries with reasonably low employment rates this has enabled workers to receive better incomes and learn new skills thus enhancing their production and consumption.(Isard,2005:5) In conclusion it gives the opportunity to have access to the whole world economy because different economies and individual can trade among themselves giving them access to advanced technologies. RISK ARISING FROM INTERNATIONAL TRADE International trade also has its own risk because they are two sides to a coin. The risks identified are discussed below. The most arguably considered is the exchange rate risk this is the most obvious risk of the international market. Most times investors eventually pay far more than they bargained for due to the exchange rate. In the world today, international transactions and settlements are carried out at separate times, therefore companies know how much th ey are expected to pay in the future by estimating future spot rate however the expected future rate does not turn out to be the actual exchange rate. (D.O Cushman, Effects of exchange rate risk on international trade) Also most multinationals are at the risk of losing a share of their profits went requiting monies cross borders due to the instability of exchange rates. Also, is Labour-risk the structural issue facing developed nations such as US and UK is that the amount of high quality, high productivity labour that will be mobilized over the next decade in the emerging markets (Brazil, Russia, India and China) is likely to be in the hundreds of millions and this would displace jobs that would otherwise be created in the developed markets therefore leading to unemployment (Bryan, L, Globalization critical imbalances). Bryan fears that an international market would eventually lead to high unemployment in developed nations because companies would be able to outsource high quality labour at a cheaper rate. Due to discrepancy in the price of labour, companies might even move their whole operation cross borders thereby increasing the unemployment rate in the developed countries. Bryans fear is however fast becoming a reality, because in the world today most manufacturing companies are moving the operations to places like China and services are also being imported from places like India. Transportation risk is also an important risk as regards commodities this includes freight risk as commodities are exported cross boarder which will definitely needs to be insured hereby giving opportunity for additional cost. Culture and institutional differences is also to be considered because the trade involves different countries and different investors which they might be unfamiliar with the local trading rules of the parties involved. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Organization Of Financial And Commodity Markets Finance Essay" essay for you Create order

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Problem Of Alcoholism And Alcoholism - 1539 Words

Alcoholism proves to be a leading cause of brain damage and body malfunction all across America, ultimately endangering your life and the ones around you, but overcoming alcoholism seems to be a harder obstacle to overcome because this addictive drug imprints denial on your brain and makes you think you can stop drinking whenever you want. Denial is one of the hardest hurdles to jump over to getting help for alcoholism and abuse. The desire to drink is so strong that the mind finds ways to rationalize drinking, even when consequences are obvious. Their behavior and negative affects denial also exacerbates alcohol related problems with work, finances, and relationships. If one’s self finds themselves rationalizing their drinking habits, lying about them, or refusing to talk about them, they should try to take a moment to consider why are they so defensive. If a person doesn’t believe they have a drinking problem than there should be no excess of trying to hide the obvio us truth. Although some cases are likely to be less obvious, these groups of people generally started drinking excessively later in life and their need for alcohol has not yet resulted in profound debilitation. Regardless of the obviousness or clarity of the alcohol problem, â€Å"patients† are far more likely to announce their drinking problem openly. This is where we get into areas of treatment and the most delicate aspects of handling alcoholic clients. A survey of American adults showed that drug use disorderShow MoreRelatedAlcoholism : A Growing Problem1468 Words   |  6 PagesAlcoholism Alcoholism is a growing problem in today s society. What is alcoholism? Is it a disease? What are the causes of it? What toll does alcohol abuse have on individuals? American society? American economy? What kind of treatments are available to reduce/cure alcoholism? What is alcoholism? 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Surgeon General, The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse) is five or more drinks in a row for men, and four or more in a row for women. Drinking levels this high significantly increase the problems the drinkers and for those around them. What is Alcohol Poisoning? Alcohol poisoning occurs when a person drinks a large quantity of alcohol in a short amount of time. The amount of alcohol in the bloodstream is called the blood alcohol concentrationRead MoreDrug Abuse And Addiction : The Problem With Alcoholism856 Words   |  4 PagesHave you been having more memory â€Å"blackouts† recently? 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The CDC states, â€Å" Alcohol use is responsible for more than 4,300 annual deaths among underage youth. AlthoughRead More The Problem of Teen Alcoholism in the United States Essay1870 Words   |  8 Pagesteens are full of alcohol. Other drugs rise and fall in popularity from generation to generation, but alcohol never really goes out of style. From being worshiped by the ancient Babylonians to being forbidden to teenagers, alcohol has caused many problems. Today, drinking is the drug of choice by teens and causes most wrecks and deaths today. To understand alcohol people must first know the history of alcohol, the effects of teen drinking, and the solutions to teen drinking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alcohol has beenRead More The Problem of Teen Alcoholism in the United States Essay3674 Words   |  15 Pages Teen alcoholism is a problem that has been plaguing the United States for many decades now. The legal age for alcohol consumption is twenty-one years old in every state of the United States, but this law is commonly broken. The fact that it has not been strictly enforced caused an outbreak of alcohol consumption between minors all over, and because of this, we have been accepting teenage drinking more than ever. The problem lies in the lack of law enforcement, the acceptance by parents and guardiansRead MoreAlcoholism Is the Worst Drug Problem in the U.S. Essay561 Words   |  3 Pagesevery 30 minutes due to an automobile accident caused by alcohol. Not only does alcohol kill, it clouds decisions, and is involved in a large percent of crime. Alcohol doesn’t stop there it negatively effects our youth. Alcohol is the worst drug problem in the U.S. We’ve all heard the phrase don’t drink and drive but how many people listen to this common sense. According to a statistic taken by the Century Council, 31 percent of car fatalities involved alcohol in 2013. Around fifty thousand claimsRead More The Problem of Teen Alcoholism in the United States Essay1102 Words   |  5 Pagescommonsense, but what is more, something that every one knows about in general but may not in particular. Alcohol use among teenagers is a serious problem and is responsible for death and injury in automobile accidents, physical and emotional disability, deterioration of academic performances, aggressive behavior that causes a number of other sociological problems in families and among friends. It is also the primary cause of criminal behavior and a leading cause of broken marriages. As we know its a broadRead MoreSocial Problems Of Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, And Mental Illness818 Words   |  4 Pagesnew understanding of different social prob lems. The variety of social problems presented introduced me to a couple of social problems I had not given much thought to before. It also surprised me that every person in the class knew at least one person that had been affected by a certain social problem. Through the solutions presented in these presentations, I have gained knowledge of I can personally help eliminate some aspects of different social problems. The three presentations I believed to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cultivating an Affirmation of the Past in the Poem “Digging” Free Essays

The significance of the past is given an affirmation in the poem, â€Å"Digging,† written by Nobel Prize awardee Seamus Heaney. The persona in the poem takes a nostalgic trip into his past, reminiscing about the old days when he watched and participated in potato farming with his father and grandfather. Both men handle toil and hard work with excellence; this is emphasized when the persona states his admiration for the grace and competence exhibited by the men: â€Å"By God, the old man could handle a spade/Just like his old man. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultivating an Affirmation of the Past in the Poem â€Å"Digging† or any similar topic only for you Order Now † (15-16) However, the demarcation line between the persona and his earlier generation is clearly defined early on. In the first two lines of the poem, he establishes the idea that he is a writer; a man who prefers handling a pen, symbolizing academic and artistic profession, over a handling a spade, symbolizing hard labor, â€Å"Between my finger and my thumb/The squat pen rests; snug as a gun. † (lines 1-2) Nevertheless, the value and pride of each separate work is equally praised by the persona. He conveys the idea that there is no difference if one uses a pen, or a spade in work, no difference when one plows a field or scribbles on paper. The only important thing is the love and passion one dedicates to one’s profession or work. How to cite Cultivating an Affirmation of the Past in the Poem â€Å"Digging†, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Tupac Shakur free essay sample

He was in and out of prison the majority of his time in the spotlight for a variety of charges including assault and sexual abuse. He also dealt with harsh public reaction to his lyrical content, particularly from the law enforcement community and parents concerned with his aggressive messages that his albums seemed to embody. Even as he achieved fantastic success on the charts, papas life seemed to enter a dangerous spiral that saw the rapper living out the scenarios he described in his songs.In 1994 while visiting a cording studio in New York he was shot no less than five times during a robbery that would leave him shaken and lead him to channel his aggression into what would become the most lasting aspect of his legacy ; the East Coast / West Coast hip hop feud. Shaker became convinced that industry heavy. Fights Sean Puff Daddy Combs and The Notorious B. We will write a custom essay sample on Tupac Shakur or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I. G. Were behind the attack which had put him in the hospital. Once the media was informed of the feud, it was blown up beyond all reason.This rivalry would culminate into one of the bloodiest explosions of rap-related violence in the story of the genre. On September, 13th 1 996, OPAC left the MGM Grand in Lass Vegas in the company of Death Row Records owner Sue Knight. Their BMW was ambushed in a drive-by shooting that would fatally wound Shaker. He later died in hospital shortly after the attack. His death would shock fans around the world, and was made worse by the murder of rival, The Notorious B. I. G. , in a revenge killing only a few months later. Tupac Shakur free essay sample Outpace Muar means serpent and Shaker is Arabic for thankful to God. Quota; For most of his childhood his crack-addicted mother shuffled Outpace between the ghettos of Harlem and the Bronx. Young Outpace began is performance career with the 1 27th Street Ensemble and then enrolled Baltimore School for the Arts where he was educated In ballet and acting. Outpace was forced to drop out of the school and move to California where his criminal career began. Outpace began selling drugs and had several altercations with the law including several shooting and the unexplained death of two off-duty officers.Tubas music continued to excel until his untimely death on September 7, 1996. The artistic ability and musical talent werent enough to get by with; it took a shtick that was true. There was no candy coating or a softer side to this straight from the projects thug. We will write a custom essay sample on Tupac Shakur or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Outpace rapped about what he knew, and he knew the street life. In and out of Jail/prison Outpace had been exposed to, even saturated In the criminal element, and this exposure led him to express his exploits In vulgar and gory detail.It was this down to earth ego, telling war stories from his childhood about up in the hoodquot: that attracted people to listen. The genre targeted young black males; it was music that they could relate to. But it reached out past its target group and embraced the white youth of America who ere fascinated with drugs and gangs. Outpace painted a picture of the lower-class struggle and middle-class America ate it up. The lyrics of his music not only told of the hard life of the lower class and the struggle of the black man, but it also spoke of hope.The echoes of the song Life Goes On ring out: 0 How many broths fell victim to that streets. Rest in peace young enigma theres a Heaven for a G, be a Ill If I told yea that I never thought of death; my insignias we that last ones left, but life goes on. . These words of hope give strength to those who can relate and endear these words to their heart. Tubas music resounded with his personal quest for a better life: life caused it that fighting and hurting, in my room crying cause I didnt want to be a burden.Watch Mama open up her arms to hug me and I anti worried bout a damn thingwith unconditional love. The words of this Thug Poet gave strength and support to this new genre of Gangs Rap. let was always the man behind the music that gave it life. The same album that Vice President Equally quoted APOCALYPSES NOW has no place in American society. went double platinum. The popularity of Gangs Rap is due solely to its creator, Outpace Shaker. Tupac Shakur free essay sample Muar shakers life stands above those alone. He was an influential, best selling hip hop artist, considered by many to be the greatest rapper of all time. His nicknames include OPAC, Pace and Mackerel. Among his fans, he is known as simply Outpace. The names Outpace Muar and Shaker mean Shining Serpent in Arabic, respectively. Outpace wasnt his given name; his mother renamed shortly after birth. He was born under Leganes Parish Crooks In Bronx, New York city on June 16th, 1971 to Affine Shaker, a member of Black panthers.Shaker aid, I never knew where my father was or who my father was for sure. HIS father left his mother when he wasnt even born. And his stepfather was Imprisoned for car robbery when he was two years old , leaving his family to struggle frequently under conditions of extreme poverty. Much of Tubas upbringing revolved around the Black panther philosophy. We will write a custom essay sample on Tupac Shakur or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Impoverished during most of his childhood, Outpace, his mother and half sister skyway moved between homeless shelters and cheap accommodation around New York City.As a result, he relied on poetry and diary entries to keep himself busy. At the age of 12, Shaker joined a Hormone theatre group , that is when he started developing an interest in performing. Later in 1984 Tubas mother brought him and his sister to live in Baltimore, Maryland. He went to Roland Park middle school, there, he was disliked because of his looks, name and unturned clothes. In his sophomore year Outpace was accepted to the Baltimore School for the Arts. Thats where all it started. He fell in love with music, acting , poetry , performing, beauty of art and dance.He studied hard there. Outpace was an avid reader, delving onto books on eastern religions, and even whole entire encyclopedia sets. Hiding his love of literature from his peers, he gained the respect of his peers like a tough guy. He composed his first rap in Baltimore under the name MAC new York and wrote poems for his girl friend Jade Pinkest(smith) , about racism and for his mother Elfin Shaker. He was on womans side rather than mans because of he was raised by his mother, loved his girlfriend, and absence of his father. Later Elfin was having trouble finding Job.Then he was forced to move to California. Outpace described this eve from Baltimore and the arts school as where I got off track. He started selling drugs on the street but also made friends who helped spark his interest In rap music. Then he Joined as a roadie and back up dancer for Digital underground. Next he became revolutionary artist by writing hit songs, with top selling albums, and successful acting in couple of movies. But because of some bad people who he was known by , he was fatally shot In drive-by shooting In Lass Vegas on September 7th, 1996 after attending the boxing match.He died In the University of Medical Center capital after six day later from the four gunshot wounds. What makes this rapper different than others? Outpace absolutely loved literature and poetry. So his songs and poems were better than the other rappers. And he was bluff. Outpace acted tough on the outside . He stood up for himself, he was extremely dedicated to his work and his body could survive five gunshots . But in the inside he was friendly man with a good heart. Also he was very realistic. Whether it is his song, dance, acting, or poem. It spoke what he was seeing not what he wished for or what he believed it. Tupac Shakur free essay sample After he and Affine moved to Baltimore, Outpace attended that city School for the Arts, studying acting and dance. He also wrote his first rap there and felt himself beginning to fit In, at long last. But by his Junior year he was packing up again, moving this time to Marin City, a desolate stretch of northern California known locally as The Jungle. Moving out of his mothers home, he began selling drugs and establishing himself on the streets of his adopted town. It was like a hood and I wanted to be a part of it, he explained to Powell. If I could Just fit in here, Im cool.And I thought I did. At the same time, he began to entertain thoughts of a music career. In 10 he auditioned for the Bay Area rap group Digital underground, and was hired as a dancer and roadie. He Joined the ensembles Sex Packets tour of the U. We will write a custom essay sample on Tupac Shakur or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page S. And Japan, and made his recorded debut on their 11 This Is an PEP Release. His newfound success , however, was tainted by some unwelcome news I was on the road with D. O. And called my homiest Just to say hasps, and they told me my moms was buying dope from somebody, he related to Vibe. It fDe me up. I started blocking her out of my mind.Fannies battle with crack addiction would try their relationship sorely. By the end of the year he had released his solo debut, Apocalypse Now, on the Interstice label. He paved the way for his solo career while touring with D. O. Everybody knew me even though my album wasnt out yet, he told Vibe. I never went to bed. I was working It Like a Job. That was my number-one thing when I first got In the business. Everybodys goanna know me. Soon everyone would, though perhaps not as he might have hoped; his albums tough stancein the increasingly popular against modecreated his first major controversy.In April, 1, a Texas state trooper was shot o death by a young man who later claimed to have been listening to the album and cited the track Souls Story as the impetus for his violent act. The song narrates a fugitive with cops on my tall; pulled over, he decides to blast [the officers] punk SSL Now I got a murder case. This incident, along with other descriptions of cop-murdering, led a number of politicians, including then Vice-President Dan Equally, to call for the records removal from stores.He changed the direction of hip-hop hijacked it, some would say -? and ceremonials its status as the art politicians love to hate, declared RAG Smith in Spin. Of course, such controversy ended up boosting sales of Apocalypse. Outpace himself, meanwhile, had filed slut against the Oakland police department, alleging brutality In a jangling arrest. Even as his rap career was heating up, Outpace broke out as a film star in Ernest Dickerson 1 film Juice, portraying Bishop, a kid who becomes addicted to the high of violence. Though reviews of the film were mixed, his performance received uniform raves.Soon, however, his name was making headlines attached to another tragedy, between Topics posse and their antagonists. Spin reported that many in the rapper- actors adopted hometown began to refer to him as Tu-faced. But controversy sells records, and Topics 1 effort Strictly 4 My N. I. G. G. A. Z Went gold in a matter of months, thanks in part to the hit track I Get Around. Ironically, given later developments, one of the albums other hit singles was the upbeat Keep Yea Head Up, a paean to the strength and survival of black women.Meanwhile, his other rap sheetlisting his run-ins with the lawcontinued to pile up he was arrested after allegedly beating a limo driver, served ten days in Jail after attacking another rapper tit a baseball bat, and was busted for allegedly shooting two off-duty police officers shortly after relocating to Atlanta. He was acquitted of the latter charge. He co-starred with pop singer Janet Jackson in John Singletons 1 film Poetic Justice, once again receiving accolades even though the film was poorly received at the box office.In November of that year, a young woman with whom Outpace had been involved claimed that he and three of his friends had customized and sexually abused her. His troubles continued into 14; in March he spent 15 days in Jail for hitting filmmaker Allen Hughes. But he scored again with critics in the movie A bove the Rim; Owen Glimmering of Entertainment Weekly called Outpace perhaps the most dynamic young actor since Sean Penn, adding that he gives each of his characters a unique spiritual temper. With his group Thug Life, Outpace also contributed to the films soundtrack, which sold million copies.Thug Lifethe words were tattooed on the rappers stomachthen released its own album, Volume One, which Entertainment Weekly described as a 10-song meditation about life under the gun. Where [Topics] solo releases have often dragged, One crackles with kinetic energy. Yet the Thug Life that he advocatedThuggish against society. Thuggish against the system that made me, as he put it to Rolling Stonewas taking its toll. Out on bail on the previous sexual abuse and sodomys charges, he was shot several times on the ground floor of a building that housed an acquaintances recording studio.He was ambushed as he prepared to rap on another rappers record, shot and robbed. Although he sustained multiple injuries, he survived. Over the strenuous objections of his doctors, Outpace appeared in court shortly before sentence was passed. Despite whatever mitigating effect the sight of the wheelchair- mound Outpace could have had on the Jury, he was found guilty of sexual abuse. Although this was the lesser charge against him, he was sentenced to 1 1/ to 4 1/ years in prison. Though heed previously said that Jail would destroy his spirit, he told Vibes Powell that he now saw his incarceration as a giftstraight up.This is Gods will. Adding that getting clean after years of incessant marijuana smoking had cleared his head, he claimed a new perspective on his work. If we really are saying rap is an art form, he declared, then we got to be true to it and be more responsible for our lyrics. If you see everybody dying because of what you saying, it dont matter that you didnt make them die, it Just matters that you didnt save them. First single, Dear Mama, praised his mother for her strength. Outpace couldnt appear in the video, obviously, but Affine is featured in the clip, watching clips of her son on television.Having recovered from her addiction, the rappers mother had been working for Topics production company. Though some may have found the sentimental single an attempt to drum up sympathy for its Jailed author, Interstice executive Tom Whaley said otherwise. It wasnt like, Well, Topics in Jail, lets find the cost sympathetic song on the record and put it out so that the audience will be sympathetic to him, he asserted to Jerry Crower of the Los Angles Times. I Just thought it was a great song, an emotional song. Me Against the World climbed to the top of the Billboard magazine sales chart, selling half a million copies within weeks.Dear Mama also reached the top ten singles chart. Actress Jade Pinkest- -a steadfast friend and supporter whod allegedly helped, along with superstar singer-actress Madonna and actor Mackey Rouge, to pay Topics bailwas slated to direct the video for the albums subsequent single, Can U Get Away. Shaker had Just completed filming with Rouge on the film Bullet. Writing in the Village Voice, critic and pop-culture analyst Toured limned what she called massive distance between Topics fame and the quality of his work so far.While she praised his acting talent, Toured disliked most of the films Outpace appeared in, and argued that though he remains along with Snoop [Doggy Dog] one of the two most famous rappers in the world, he is merely an average vocalist and lyricist, and has yet to record one aesthetically impor tant song. Yet, Toured insisted, Topics experiences on the public stage have been remarkable performances in their own eight, and have lent an air of importance to his otherwise unimpressive records.The Source, however, praised Me Against the World as the rappers best so far, while Jon Paroles of the New York Times admired its fatalistic calm, in a commercial mold. From prison, Shaker alleged that he had changed his ways, The addict in Outpace is dead, he vowed to Vibe. The excuse maker in Outpace is dead. The vengeful Outpace is dead. The Outpace that would stand by and let dishonorable things happen is dead. God let me live for me to do something extraordinary, and thats what I have to do. Even if they give me the maximum sentence, thats still my Job.Yet after his release from prison, the rapper-actor showed little sign of change. He threw himself into the East Coast vs.. West Coast feud in which his new boss, Death Row Records chief Segue Knight, was embroiled. In typically contradictory fashion, Shaker publicly taunted Knights rivals, including Bad Boy Records head Sean Puffy Combs. This conflict may or may not have led to Shakers shooting in September, 16, as he and Knight drove through Lass Vegas after a boxing match. Shaker died of his wounds a week later.